Current language: English
Plakatkampagne Banner Landingpage

Old swimming pools, factories, residential buildings, parks and entire neighbourhoods - over 12,000 monuments can be discovered throughout Berlin!

Plakatkampagne Teaser Denkmalkarte

Discovering monuments

With the monument map you can discover monuments in your neighbourhood or on your way through the city.

To the monument map

Plakatkampagne Teaser Infoquellen

Lots of information

You can access a lot of information about every monument in Berlin free of charge, for example via our Denkmaldatenbank. We offer more detailed information on various highlights, such as the ICC or the Berlin Wall.
On the Open Monument Day on the second weekend in September, over 350 monuments can be visited live. Until then, our YouTube-Kanal offers lots of content that will bring you closer to the city’s monuments.

Plakatkampagne Teaser Plakate

Posters in Berlin

Have you already seen one of our posters on your way through the city? Below you will find an overview of all the posters published so far and the monuments shown on them. Keep your eyes peeled – more posters will be added over time!

  • Plakatkampage 2024 - Motiv Hufeisensiedlung
  • Plakatkampage 2024 - Motiv Flughafen Tegel
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Eierhäuschen
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Stadtbad Lichtenberg
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Renaissancetheater
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Garten Liebermann
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Schultheiss Mälzerei
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Anatomisches Theater
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Nikolaiviertel
  • Plakatkampagne 2024 - Motiv Gutshaus Steglitz