International Artists

Farbige Handabdrücke auf einer Kugel

We welcome applications from international artists who would like to present their projects in Pankow!

If you have difficulties with the German language, you can find infor­mation about our funding opportu­ni­ties in various other languages here.

  • Funding opportunities offered by the Department of Arts and Culture in the Pankow District Office

    → English

    PDF-Document (852.4 kB) - As of: 2022

  • Possibilités de subventionnement du département Art et Culture de la mairie de l'arrondissement de Pankow

    → Français

    PDF-Document (821.6 kB) - As of: 2022

  • Posibilidades de financiación del departamento de Arte y Cultura de la Administración del Distrito de Pankow

    → Español

    PDF-Document (833.8 kB) - As of: 2022

  • Opportunità di finanziamento offerte dal Dipartimento di Arte e Cultura dell'Ufficio distrettuale di Pankow

    → Italiano

    PDF-Document (853.6 kB) - As of: 2022

  • Możliwości dofinansowania kultury i sztuki w urzędzie okręgowym w Pankow

    → Polska

    PDF-Document (851.5 kB) - As of: 2022

  • Возможности поддержки отдела искусства и культуры районного управления Панков

    → Русский

    PDF-Document (1012.4 kB) - As of: 2022

  • Cơ hội được tài trợ từ phòng văn hóa và nghệ thuật thuộc văn phòng quận Pankow

    → Tiếng Việt (Vietnamesisch)

    PDF-Document (952.3 kB) - As of: 2022

  • فرص التمويل لقسم الفنون والثقافة في مكتب بلدية بانكوف

    → عربي (Arabisch)

    PDF-Document (913.5 kB) - As of: 2022

Please do not hesitate to contact us in German or English if you have any questions:

Alexandra Heyden
Tel.: (030) 90295-3803
E-mail an Frau Heyden