Online business information service eInformation

  • Berlin Potsdamer Platz

    Go to search

    You are able to search online for registered commercial businesses here. As a registered user you can also request official company reports that are then sent to you via email.

    More information Image: euregiocontent/
  • Information regarding eInformation

    Information about the legal basis, scope, up-to-dateness and information restrictions.

    More information
  • Costs for eInformation

    Costs for extended information that requires registration.

    More information
  • eInformation - registration

    Registration option for expanded information options.

    More information

Contact eInformation

For further information contact


Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises

Martin-Luther-Straße 105, 10825 Berlin
Behindertenparkplatz Zugang rollstuhlgerecht Aufzug rollstuhlgerecht Fahrradstellplatz
Telephone: +49 (0) 30 9013-0