Current language: English

Who is eligible to run in the 2024 European election?

In the European election in Germany, various candidates from a wide range of parties and political associations stand for election. Parties and political associations prepare lists of nominated candidates. Only listed candidates can be elected to the European Parliament to represent their party or political association. Individuals cannot run for office on their own.

Germany’s election commissioner, the Federal Returning Officer, must receive the lists for the 2024 European election by 18 March 2024. The lists are then checked to ensure they meet the requirements for the European elections.

The Federal Electoral Committee rules on the eligibility of the submitted lists on the 72nd day before the election (= 29 March 2024). The Federal Returning Officer announces the nominations no later than 22 April 2024.

From 21 April to 16 June 2024, eligible parties or political associations may post election advertising on public roads.