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  • Sommerfest auf dem Schloss Britz

    Britz Palace

  • Tag des offenen Denkmals - Hufeisensiedlung


  • Britzer Garten

    Britzer Garten

The district of Britz has a lot to offer: Britz Palace, the Britzer Garten, and the World Heritage Site Hufeisensiedlung attract many visitors to the Neukölln neighborhood.

Britz has a lot to offer besides big-city and suburban development. In addition to the Britzer Garten, Britz Palace and Manor, and Britz Mill are also worth a visit. Events such as the tree blossom festival in Britzer Garten or the fairy tale Christmas celebration at Britz Palace are always well attended.

Neu-Britz: Carl-Weder-Park and Ideal Housing Estate

Neu-Britz between Delbrückstraße and Jahnstraße has changed a lot since the expansion of the city highway. The highway tunnel runs right under the neighborhood. The Carl Weder park has been created on the tunnel cover. While Neu-Britz is dominated by characteristic urban development, it becomes more suburban further south.

The Ideal housing estate (Ideal-Siedlung) from 1907 is located between Pintschallee, Rungiusstraße, Hannemannstraße, and Franz-Körner-Straße. It is an example of early terraced houses and contains elements of the late Wilhelminian style. The outer part of the area features buildings of two to three storeys, with terraced houses with gardens in the center. In the 1920s and 30s, the housing estate was expanded.

The small "Siedlung der Düfte" ("Settlement of Fragrances") on Holzmindener Straße dates from the 1960s. The housing estate consists of four six- and eight-story buildings and takes its name from fragrant plants.


The larger housing estate Britz on Blaschkoallee and Buschkrugallee consists of the housing estate Hufeisensiedlung ("Horseshoe settlement") and the Krugpfuhl estate.

The Hufeisensiedlung west of Fritz-Reuter-Allee was built in the 1920s according to plans by Bruno Taut and Martin Wagner. It was an early social housing project and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its center is a horseshoe-shaped row of buildings, which is where the housing estate's name comes from. The so-called "Red Front" is located along the main streets and looks like a protective wall because of its massive facade. The end of the housing estate consists of lower residential buildings, with single-family terraced houses in between. The marketplace Britz-Süd from the 1950s is also part of the Hufeisensiedlung.

The Krugpfuhl, also called Eierteichsiedlung, lies opposite the Hufeisensiedlung, east of Fritz-Reuter-Allee. It was also commissioned by a housing association. The housing estate consists of colorful terraced houses with gardens, which are placed around a pond.

Neukölln Park Cemetery and Manor Park

In addition to Britzer Garten, those looking for peace and quiet can also relax at the Neukölln Park Cemetery or the Manor Park (Gutspark). The latter has won several awards as the most beautiful park of the capital. It was laid out in the early 18th century in the Baroque style. Today it is a landscape park with curved paths, well-kept flower beds, and a rose garden.

On more than 200,000 square meters of space, the Neukölln Park Cemetery features art, sculptures, and an ornamental fountain. The grounds are spacious, old trees and large lawns alternate along the wide paths.

Last edited: 1 November 2023

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