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  • Buckow


  • Buckow

    Warmensteinacher Straße

  • Alt-Buckower Dorfteichfest

    Alt-Buckow Village Festival

Buckow is divided into two parts by the housing estate Gropiusstadt. The district is very tranquil and offers both village idyll and metropolitan flair.

Buckow consists of two parts. Rural idyll prevails around the old village center with its preserved village church and the nature of Buckower Feldmark, where on the border to Brandenburg a few plots of land are still used for agriculture. North of Gropiusstadt, on Johannisthaler Chaussee, Buckow appears almost metropolitan. In general, suburban development is predominant, with single-family homes, apartment buildings, and a few apartment blocks dominating the view.

New Housing Estates in Buckow

In the last few years, a lot of new construction has been realized in Buckow. The new housing estates "Spruch" and "Töpchiner Dreieck" were created, both located in the western part of Buckow. The Spruch housing estate with its beautiful city villas was awarded the architecture prize. The immediate vicinity features allotment gardens, single-family homes, and older housing estates from the 1930s and 1950s, such as the "Neue Scholle", the "Neue Heimstatt", and the settlement on Schlierbacher Weg.

Töpchiner Dreieck with Townhouses

The so-called "Töpchiner Dreieck" between Töpchiner Weg and Drusenheimer Weg is a neighborhood of terraced and semi-detached houses. The Hans Martin Helbich housing estate from the 1970s is also located in the area, between Alt-Buckow and Gerlinger Straße. Here you will find meadows and fields, your own sledding hill, and a small shopping center. The farmland is to be gradually developed with residential buildings.

Northeastern Buckow: Once a Meadow, Today a Residential Area

The north-eastern part of Buckow is surrounded by Britz, Rudow, and Gropiusstadt. Until the year 1900, the area was part of the fields of the Buckow Feldmark and was uninhabited because of the high groundwater level. It was mainly used as cattle pasture. When the wet meadows were drained, new residents came to the area. In the 1970s, residential buildings with up to eight floors were built on the former meadows. On the other side of the main street, there are also detached single-family homes with well-kept gardens.

Last edited: 15 July 2021

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