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Technology Field: Web3 – DLT, Blockchain, NFTs & Metaverse

Berlin is Germany’s blockchain hotspot. In recent years, more and more IT specialists in the capital have come together to collaboratively develop decentralized solutions in the fields of FinTech, energy, administration, logistics, and distribution.

Thanks to the large and unique tech ecosystem and the creative scene in Berlin, the city has become an international developer hub for blockchain technology. The blockchain ecosystem consists of over 180 blockchain players, including startups, companies, accelerators, innovation centers, research institutions, and investors.

Berlin: Germany’s Leading Blockchain Hub

In recent years, Berlin has established itself as Germany’s leading blockchain hub. IT specialists from around the world come together in the capital to collaborate on decentralized solutions in the fields of FinTech, energy, administration, logistics, and distribution.

Unique Tech Ecosystem and Creative Scene

Thanks to an impressive and unique tech ecosystem, along with a dynamic creative scene, Berlin has become an international hub for blockchain technology development. With over 180 players in the blockchain sector, including startups, companies, accelerators, innovation centers, and research institutions, Berlin is a thriving center for blockchain innovation.

What is Blockchain?

Developed by an individual or group under the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto,” blockchain technology enables the creation of a continuously expandable list of records called blocks. These blocks are securely linked together through cryptographic methods. Originally developed for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, blockchain technology has found applications in Berlin and various other industries worldwide.

Berlin as a Pioneer in Blockchain Development

Initiatives like BerChain and the Blockchain Bundesverband play a central role in Berlin’s blockchain scene. They organize important events, promote research, and represent the interests of the community. With the presence of international organizations like the Ethereum Foundation and the Web3 Foundation, Berlin becomes a beacon for the development of a decentralized internet.

An Ecosystem Fostering Innovation

From interdisciplinary think tanks like the Blockchainhub Berlin to coworking spaces and municipal initiatives like “govdigital,” Berlin offers a comprehensive environment that fosters the development and application of blockchain technologies. This dynamic ecosystem makes the city an ideal place for IT specialists and developers who want to shape the digital future.


An exciting trend in digital technology is the Metaverse. It is a connected virtual universe that combines Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology. Berlin, as a leading blockchain hub, plays a significant role in Metaverse development. Blockchain ensures secure transactions and the management of digital assets like NFTs. The city has a growing community of developers and companies working on Metaverse projects. The Metaverse offers new opportunities in entertainment, education, and commerce, and Berlin is at the forefront of shaping this digital future.

Do you have an innovation related to Web3 – DLT, Blockchain, NFT & Metaverse? Then apply now!

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