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Deep Tech Header 2024

Application field: Social & Sustainable Impact

Deep Techs have revolutionized traditional industries and have continually produced new solutions and products that make everyday life easier, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when daily life was affected by restricted circumstances.

Innovations in the COVID-19 Pandemic for Communication and Improved Processes

In 2020, it became evident that the COVID-19 crisis could be a significant opportunity for technological innovations. Deep Tech solutions in communication and automated processes have been highly valuable in preventing essential organizations and institutions from coming to a standstill.

Revolution through Deep Tech in the COVID-19 Crisis

Deep Tech has proven to be a transformative force in traditional industries, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, where innovative solutions have made everyday life easier. The role of Deep Tech innovations in communication and process optimization was particularly emphasized during this time to keep essential organizations running. The trend toward digitizing many aspects of life continues.

Technological Innovations in Response to the Pandemic

The crisis has shown that technology, especially in the areas of communication and automated processes, is crucial to avoid a standstill. Artificial intelligence, such as later generations of chatbots in healthcare, has taken on important information tasks and contributed to the relief of healthcare facilities. This boost in trust in technology as a contribution to the common good is now central to our economy.

Deep Tech in the Medical Field

Innovations through Deep Tech in medicine, such as AI-assisted decision-making and advancements in treatments and vaccinations, have significantly improved responsiveness to the crisis. The pandemic has underscored the need to promote visionary technologies and invest in the development of Deep Tech innovations.

Sustainable Development through Deep Tech

Deep Tech plays a crucial role in promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Agenda 2030 calls for action to enable a dignified life and preserve the natural foundations of life. Products and solutions based on Deep Tech that support the SDGs are essential for a sustainable future.

Key SDGs Supported by Deep Tech

Deep Tech can critically contribute to achieving goals such as poverty reduction, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean energy, sustainable economies, climate protection, and many more. Promoting these goals through technology is a significant step toward a more sustainable and equitable world.

Do you have an innovation related to Social & Sustainable Impact? Then apply now!

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Technology field: Artificial Intelligence

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Technology field: Robotics

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Technology Field: Web3 – DLT, Blockchain, NFTs & Metaverse

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DEEP TECH Standort

The Deep Tech hub in Berlin - a nationwide unique ecosystem for IT developers. More information