Current language: English

FAQ Deep Tech Award

  • 1. What is the deadline for submitting my application?

    The application deadline is 24 April 2022. Your application must be fully uploaded online by this date.

  • 2. What are the criteria for evaluation?

    The independent jury uses the following criteria in their assessment of the solutions and products:
    • Degree of innovation (from a technical perspective)
    • Stand-alone capability of the competition entry and unique selling points (USPs)
    • Advantage and added value from the user’s perspective
    • Market potential & presence
    • Hardware and software design, if applicable
    • Data protection, data quality and data security concept
    • Fulfilment of product-specific norms, standards and legal requirements

  • 3. I have uploaded my application, but would like to correct an error. Can I upload or delete the documents again?

    Once you have uploaded your application, it is considered submitted. If you subsequently want to make changes, you must contact us so that we can arrange for your application documents to be resent or to delete the application you have submitted.

  • 4. I am not sure whether my product is really suitable for the Deep Tech Award or for which category I should apply. Is there anyone I can contact if I have a question about my deep tech technology?

    If you have any questions as to whether your product is suitable for consideration for the Deep Tech Award, or about which is the right category to apply for, then please contact us:
    030-36 444 09-28

  • 5. Can I apply for multiple categories with my product or solution to increase my chance of winning?

    No, you can only apply for one category of the Deep Tech Award for each product or solution.

  • 6. What type of product and solutions fall under the category "social/sustainable tech"?

    In addition to the deep tech categories AI, blockchain, IoT/industry 4.0 and IT security, there is a “social/sustainable tech” category for deep tech ideas that create special societal, social or sustainable solutions. Given the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, such deep tech-based products and solutions are required more than ever at the moment. This is shown by the current developments: The online shopping sector is growing and countless people are working from home due to government restrictions and social distancing. Companies are also beginning to grasp how technical solutions can help in the fight against the pandemic. From robots that disinfect hospital corridors and bring food to the beds of high-risk patients, to apps that track and trace people infected with Covid-19. The first solutions and products are already on the market. With this category, we want to reward an additional area of innovative solutions from Berlin companies, SMEs and start-ups in the fight against Covid-19 as well as acknowledge the challenges they face under the pandemic.

  • 7. Is there an awards ceremony and when does it take place?

    The award ceremony is planned for 15 June 2022 at Spindler&Klatt. Due to the current coronavirus situation, we are not yet able to confirm whether this will be a live, hybrid or online event.
    As soon as further information is available, you will find it here.
    The winners for the various categories will be announced from among the finalists at the award ceremony. The winners will be honoured as Deep Tech Stars and handed an award plaque and certificate by Tino Schopf, State Secretary of the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises. The finalists will also benefit from services offered by our partners.

  • 8. Are there runner-up places for the different categories?

    There are no runner-up places. Prizes are only awarded to the winners. This means that only one company, SME or start-up will be awarded the Deep Tech Star for each category. There will be a total of five winners – Deep Tech Stars.

  • 9. Does each category winner receive € 50,000 or is this the total prize money?

    The competition offers a total of € 50,000 in prize money, which is divided among the various category winners. The winners of each category will receive a cash prize of € 10,000 after the award ceremony, provided if they meet the requirements of the de minimis rule for state aid.

  • 10. What is the de minimis rule?

    According to Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid, the European Commission regards prize money as state aid. The prize money of the Deep Tech Award is therefore subject to the de minimis rule, as the Deep Tech Award is financed by funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Prior to paying out the cash prize (€ 10,000), after receiving the certificate and award plaque, it must be proven that the competitor has not received in excess of € 200,000 in state aid in the past three tax years.

  • 11. I'm already receiving state funding for my company. Will this affect my application for the Deep Tech Award?

    You can still apply for the Deep Tech Award. If you are selected as one of the finalists, you will then have to fill out a de minimis declaration and submit a copy of the de minimis certificates you have received to the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises. This will serve as a guarantee that you have not received more than € 200,000 in state aid in the last three tax years, a requirement for the payment of the prize money. If you have exceeded your de minimis limit, you will not receive the cash prize. If the state aid you have received so far is just under € 200,000, you will receive a proportionate share of the prize money. State aid is deemed any funding for which you have received de minimis certificates as confirmation of receipt of the funding.

  • 12. My company is not located in Berlin. Can I still apply?

    No, your company has to have its location in Berlin in order to submit your product for the Deep Tech Award.

  • 13. I didn't win an award this year, can I apply again next year?

    Yes, certainly. If you are not selected as a finalist this year, you can re-apply with the product or solution for next year’s Deep Tech Award.

  • 14. Do I have to pay a fee when handing in my application?

    No, the application is completely free of charge. Simply fill out the application form and you are in the run!