Current language: English
Igloo serves as a cool retreat


Cool Rooms

‘Cool Rooms’ aim to provide a shelter from the heat and offer a place to rest and cool down while being on the go. These rooms are located, for example, in churches, public institutions such as neighbourhood meeting places or senior leisure centres. They provide a cooler and more comfortable temperature compared to the prevailing outdoor temperature.

The facilities vary in terms of seating options, the availability of drinking water and restrooms, as well as by the provision of board games and magazines. Additionally, many of these rooms are accessible by wheelchair. Visitors can stay as long as the opening hours allow.

A poster indicates the presence of a ‘Cool Room’ and provides information on facilities and opening hours. A poster looks as follows:

To find out if a ‘Cool Room’ is located nearby and where heat protection activities are offered, you can visit our District Actions

Your feedback is needed to improve the ‘Cool Rooms’. If you have visited and used a ‘Cool Room’, please share your experiences and impressions on site. Additionally you can send an e-mail to your district or to us at: