Who knows Hedwig Mentzenn and Amalie Wnuczek?

I am searching for relatives of Hedwig Mentzen.

She was born in 1882 in Steinbach/Bavaria. Her maiden name was Kahn.

She had eight brothers and sisters. Some were able to emigrate.

Hedwig had lived for several years in Krummhübel (Karpacz). There she had a small drugstore. In November 1938 she had to flee to Berlin.

Her last address was Billungstraße 8 in Berlin-Kaulsdorf.

Hedwig was deported to occupied Poland in March 1942. Her brother Benno Kahn was also murdered.

Who remembers Hedwig?

Who remembers Amalie Wnuczek?

She was born in 1883 in Krakow and lived many years with her mother Rosza (Rosa) in Berlin-Karlshorst, Rheinsteinstraße 9.

She worked as a piano teacher. Who took piano lessons?

_Dr. Barbara Töpfer_
Chiffre 142306