Thank You!

I would like to express my thanks and enormous appreciation for once again having received as my very best Christmas present your December 2010 issue of aktuell , which is one of the finest gifts I could have received! For your information, I was born June 3, 1929 in Berlin, where I lived the first 5 years of my life with my parents, before we emigrated to Belgium. We arrived in Mexico with enormous difficulty end 1941 (where we already had some family!), where I grew up until I went to university in the United States. Following graduation in Economics and return to Mexico I joined Procter&Gamble where I worked for 41 years until my retirement (including 15 years away from Mexico in Canada, US, Austria, Holland prior to returning to Mexico as President of Procter&Gamble for 21 years), only to accept an offer in one of Mexico’s largest Groups where I have worked as a director for the past 17 years. Now 82, I hope to finally retire and enjoy life with my wife, children, grandchildren and soon – we hope – great grandchildren.

However hearing about my place of birth an early childhood thanks to aktuell has been very important to me, thanks to you! I want to thank you for the terrific job you are doing with aktuell .

Claude Salomon
Chiffre 111203