Current language: English

Senate extends Corona protection measures until end of July


A man is wearing an FFP2 mask in his hand.

Wearing masks on buses and trains remains compulsory in Berlin. On Tuesday, the Senate extended the previously valid Corona protection measures until 27 July.

In the corresponding ordinance, a detailed change was also made: Hospitals are to continue to report their case numbers from Monday to Friday, but in future only on working days, not on public holidays. The Senate does not consider the current situation to be a cause for concern. The incidence of corona in Berlin is currently 334.1. "This means we still have a relaxed summer situation," said Berlin's Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) after the Senate meeting. However, the trend is upwards.

Hygiene concepts and a roadmap for next autumn are already being discussed, Giffey said. Health Senator Ulrike Gote (Greens) is to submit a proposal for a further roadmap to the Senate next week. Giffey also demanded that the federal states be given options for protective measures when the federal Infection Protection Act expires in September. With regard to the monkeypox virus, Berlin currently counts more than 300 cases. "This makes us the monkeypox hotspot in Germany," said Giffey.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 21 June 2022
Last updated: 21 June 2022

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