Current language: English

Two more vaccination centres to close in Berlin


In Berlin, two more major Corona vaccination centres will be closing in the coming days and weeks.

As the Lichtenberg district office announced on Monday, child vaccinations will only be offered in front of the Ikea furniture store in Lichtenberg until next Saturday (7 May 2022). The vaccination drive-in on Landsberger Allee in Lichtenberg will close two weeks later. According to the district office, the last vaccinations will be administered here on 22 May. The remaining vaccination centres in the ICC, in Tegel and in the Ring-Center on Frankfurter Allee will remain open for the time being, as the health administration informed upon request.

79.3 percent of Berliners vaccinated at least once

The Corona vaccinations have been progressing very slowly for months. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 79.3 per cent of the Berlin population have been vaccinated against Corona at least once. A basic immunisation, which usually includes two vaccinations, has been given to 78.2 percent. 60.6 percent are boostered, i.e. have had a booster vaccination. A second booster vaccination, which the RKI recommends for people over 70, residents, caregivers and employees in nursing care as well as employees in medical facilities, has been given to 4.5 percent.

Author: dpa/
Further information: Coronavirus vaccination
Publication date: 2 May 2022
Last updated: 2 May 2022

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