Current language: English

Incidence in Berlin at 522: Almost one million infections


Proben für Corona-Tests werden für die weitere Untersuchung vorbereitet.

The Coronavirus incidence in Berlin has risen slightly to just under 522, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported Thursday (April 28, 2022).

Berlin thus continues to have the lowest incidence in a comparison of all German states. In Germany, the average incidence is at 826.

Incidence increased from 500 to 522

On Wednesday, the number of new infections in the past seven days per 100,000 people had still been at 500. Experts assume that many cases are not recorded because positive rapid tests are not always followed by a PCR test. In addition, not all health authorities report their data on a daily basis.

Nearly one million Corona infections since pandemic began

In Berlin, 4732 new Corona infection cases were reported. The total number is close to 994,000, and in the next few days the number of one million officially registered infections since the beginning of the pandemic two years ago is likely to be reached. 15 new deaths were reported, bringing the total number of Corona-related deaths to 4478.

Author: dpa/
Further information: Coronavirus Information
Publication date: 28 April 2022
Last updated: 28 April 2022

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