"We assume (...) that we will probably have 50,000 to 100,000 people here in Berlin," the SPD politician said on Friday (25 March 2022) after a visit to the Berlin Immigration Office (Lea). "After all, that's a third of a district. That is a very big challenge."
Current language: English
Giffey expects up to 100,000 refugees in Berlin
Berlin's mayor Franziska Giffey expects up to 100,000 war refugees from Ukraine to find temporary shelter in Berlin.
11,000 online applications for residence titles received so far
At the Lea, Ukrainian refugees who were initially accommodated in Berlin without registration and who can prove that they have accommodation have recently been able to apply for a residence title that gives them a two-year right of residence here and allows them, for example, to take up a job immediately. They can fill out the applications online and book an appointment at the Lea at the same time. According to Giffey, 11,000 online applications have been received so far.