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Police station at Kottbusser Tor to be built "quickly"

A train pulls into the station at Kottbusser Tor

A train pulls into the station at Kottbusser Tor.

Berlin's Senator for the Interior, Iris Spranger (SPD), wants to push through the idea of a permanent police station at Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg, even in the face of difficulties and resistance.

«Getting down to brass tacks»

When it comes to the police station at Kottbusser Tor, Spranger announced on Monday (Jan. 17, 2022) after the Senate's closed-door meeting that she wants to quickly "get down to brass tacks". A concept for a "permanently occupied" police station would be devised in order to fight and prevent crime at the infamous "Kotti". According to Spranger, police presence and visibility there should be "significantly increased - to a precinct that's in operation 24/7". This would strengthen the sense of security. In addition, there should be video surveillance. Spranger pointed to the police station built a few years ago on Alexanderplatz "has proven itself as a central, visible point of contact for victims of crime."

Police see difficulties in establishing permanent police station

Police sources, on the other hand, have been saying for some time that it would be much more difficult to set up a permanent police station at Kottbusser Tor than it was on Alexanderplatz. There is less free space at Kottbusser Tor, and the layout of the square is very confusing because of the overground subway, the traffic circle, the many streets leading into it, and the high-rise buildings. Furthermore, some parts of Kreuzberg are home to a very left-wing and partly anti-police population who could react aggressively to a new police station. To avoid constant incidents and attacks, such a precinct would need to be heavily staffed and supported by constant patrols in the surrounding area.

Apartments for aspiring police officers and firefighters

Another item on the agenda should be realized quickly: A residential building with 168 apartments for aspiring employees of the police and fire department is to be opened as early as March 2022. The building is located in Spandau, near the Berlin Police Academy.

Publication date: 1 September 2024
Last updated: 20 January 2022

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