Current language: English


Portrait of Neukölln


District of Neukölln

From problem district to trendy neighborhood: Neukölln offers spacious apartments in old buildings as well as lots of cafés, bars, and galleries. The new housing estates provide visual contrast.  more

Sommerfest auf dem Schloss Britz


The district of Britz has a lot to offer: Britz Palace, the Britzer Garten, and the World Heritage Site Hufeisensiedlung attract many visitors to the Neukölln neighborhood.  more



Buckow is divided into two parts by the housing estate Gropiusstadt. The district is very tranquil and offers both village idyll and metropolitan flair.  more

Rudow - Gartenstadt Rudow-Süd


Rudow enjoyed a peripheral location when Berlin was divided by the Wall, but now the neighborhood gets quite a lot of through traffic. Beyond the main traffic routes, however, Rudow is still quiet and tranquil.  more

Kombibad Gropiusstadt


The large housing estate Gropiusstadt was built in the 1960s with a focus on social housing. Much has changed since then.  more

Sommer in Neukölln

Neukölln: Useful Information

An overview of the most important addresses in Neukölln: local authorities, schools, hospitals, cafés, restaurants, tips for leisure activities and more.  more