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Nancy Holt: Circles of Light

The exhibition "Circles of Light" at Berlin's Gropius Bau includes film, video, photography, sculptures and room-sized installations as well as drawings and documentaries by US artist Nancy Holt.

Over five decades, Nancy Holt's work has been concerned with how we perceive our environment and try to understand our place on the surface of this planet. With "Circles of Light", the Gropius Bau will present the artist's most comprehensive exhibition in Germany to date, beginning in March 2024. In her practice, Nancy Holt rethought site-specific installations and work with natural and artificial light. She addressed ecological aspects early on and incorporated the earth's rotation, astronomy, and time and place into her sculptures - repeatedly challenging us to look beyond what we think we know.

About Nancy Holt

Nancy Holt (1938-2014) was a renowned American artist and pioneer of the Land Art movement. She became known for her monumental land art works and sculptures, often found in remote natural landscapes. Holt was a pioneer in the integration of art, nature, and perception.

At a Glance

Nancy Holt: Circles of Light
Gropius Bau
22 March 2024
21 July 2024
Opening Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (closed on Tuesday)
Admission Fee
€15, reduced fee €10

Gropius Bau

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Niederkirchnerstraße 7
10963 Berlin

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Source: Gropius Bau/bearbeitet

Last edited: 22 July 2024