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Portrait of Wilmersdorf

Berlin WM 2014

Residential Areas & Infrastructure

In the north, Wilmersdorf is elegant, lively and exclusive. The center of the district is more middle-class while the Schmargendorf neighborhood boasts an almost small-town flair and lots of nature and greenery.  more

Sommer in Wilmersdorf

District of Wilmersdorf

About 100 years ago, a number of upscale urban development projects were built in Wilmersdorf. However, the district also includes simpler residential areas of much more recent origin.  more

Bombenfentschärfung in Berlin


Grünflächen, Pflasterstraßen, recht niedrige Häuser: Der Ortsteil Schmargendorf hat eher kleinstädtischen Charakter. Zentrum ist die Breite Straße, Wahrzeichen das Rathaus.  more

Sommer in berlin 2018


Halensee is located at the western end of the Ku'damm and is a district of old buildings with some magnificent architecture. It takes its name from the body of water of the same name.  more

Arbeiter an Bahngleisen im Grunewald tödlich verunglückt


A destination and residence for the wealthy: the Grunewald villa district in the east of the neighborhood is the most luxurious part of Berlin.  more