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Sights and Attractions by Category

Schloss Charlottenburg

Castles, Palaces & Mansions

As the former Prussian capital and royal residential city, Berlin has a noble past that numerous castles still tell of today.  more

Neue Synagoge Berlin

Jewish Berlin

In Berlin the long tradition of Jewish religion, Jewish culture and Jewish lifestyle was once visible in many places - and is celebrating a revival. Where to find old and new traces of Jewish life in Berlin.  more

Sinti und Roma Denkmal

Memorials & Monuments

Germany's eventful history is reflected in Berlin's many memorials, monuments and cemeteries. These places in the capital are dedicated to remembrance and commemoration of past events.  more

Tierpark Friedrichsfelde Berlin

Zoos & Animal Parks

Admire animals in Berlin: Zoos, animal parks, petting zoos and aquariums in Berlin at a glance.  more

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Menschen mit Sehbehinderung in Berlin

Accessible Sights

Barrier-free sights in Berlin accessible for wheelchair users, visually impaired and blind people as well as deaf and hearing impaired people.  more