huoadg 5888, pixabay.com
huoadg 5888, pixabay.com
Foto: Grafik: Bernhard Rose
Due to concerts changed opening hours:
Sat. 27.07. Citadel closed
Thu.     01.08. from 10 am - 5 pm
Sun.     18.08. from 10 am - 4 pm
Tue.     20.08. from 10 am - 4 pm
Wed.    21.08. from 10 am - 4 pm

(On Thursdays we are normally open from 1-8 pm)

Please check the opening hours on our website before your visit:

Thursday 30.5. at 7 pm

The following will speak:
Dr. Carola Brückner - District Councillor for Culture
Dr. Ralf F. Hartmann - Artistic Director ZAK
Free admission

Guided tours every 1st Sunday of the month at 3 pm.
Admission is free due to MuseumSunday.

- Projectroom ZAK EG
Fides Becker & Anja Teske
M O B I L I Ä R - zwischen auf dem Schrank oder unterm Teppich
(Mobiliär - between on the cupboard or under the carpet)

The painter Fides Becker (* 1962 in Worms) and the photographer Anja Teske (* 1964 in Minden) bring together
their artistic works on the subject of interiors in an installative spatial situation in the ZAK project space.

Both artists develop an equally subtle and investigative view of the things in our lives. For their joint exhibition,
they focus on everyday objects from different eras in our homes. Using complex artistic means, Fides Becker
and Anja Teske devote themselves to real living situations and subject them to meticulous analysis.

They roam along furniture, carpets and chandeliers with different surfaces in order to trace the subject behind
the individual staging. With camera and brush, both artists direct the viewer's gaze into hidden areas of the personal.
Apartments become portraits of their inhabitants.

Both the painter and the photographer use light very deliberately and extremely rafinely to give rooms and objects
a pronounced physicality. The result is a fascinating visual dialog about a classic genre of art.

- Galerie ZAK EG
Valeria Fahrenkrog - Erik Göngrich - Nora Wilhelm
M I T K U N S T Z E N T R A L E - Materielle Kollaborationen

The MITKUNSTZENTRALE - as part of the initiatives and projects of the Haus der Statistik / Haus der Materialisierung
in Berlin-Mitte - sees itself as a studio, laboratory, project space, exhibition venue and discussion forum for the urgent
questions of urban social future from an artistic and creative perspective.

With a fundamentally collaborative approach, artists, designers, sociologists, natural scientists, architects and urban
planners work on a revision of current practices and strategies for future growth. The radical rethinking from consumption
to re-use, from the exploitation of resources to a sustainable approach to living beings, materials, energies and concepts
determines the basis for joint thinking, discussion and work.

Alongside the discursive practice are concrete material research, recycling processes and research into locations, urban
neighborhoods and historical inscriptions. The project expands from the reflective exhibition at ZAK into the urban space
of the Spandau district with artistic, urban-sociological and action projects.

bankleer, Gary Hurst, Rahel Velia Jacob, Rodney LaTourelle, Marcos García Pérez, Lukas Rosier, Nicole Schuck, Susanne
Schröder, Boris Sieverts, Martina della Valle, Seçil Yersel

- Galerie ZAK OG right
Georg Weißbach

Based on generally available painting instructions for amateurs and in an examination of centuries of art history, Georg
Weißbach develops a broad panorama of painterly approaches that condense into a comprehensive picture of contemporary
artistic strategies in dealing with a medium that has often been declared dead.

His paintings are progressive appropriations and transformations of familiar and less familiar pictorial material. Numerous
references to popular motifs, regular references to the (digital) art history of the 20th and 21st centuries and a subtle sense
of humor turn the works in the exhibition into a par force ride through the perspectives and abysses of art.

BELIEVE ME not only questions the deceptive promises of an art market that has become unmanageable and its players, but
also deciphers the supposed information content of images and text through irony, exaggeration and cheeky appropriation.

Georg Weißbach subjects what generations of artists from previous eras have produced to a vivisection that is as reverent
as it is irreverent, transforming it into a deeply subjective pictorial program. The boundaries between high and popular culture
begin to blur, opening up a liberated view of analog image worlds in the digital age.

- Galerie OG left
Anette Rose

Anette Rose's video installations are part of her long-term project of an “encyclopaedia of handling”. They focus both on
mechanical production processes and on the body language of people performing various manual tasks.

Between the fascination for technical processes and the concentrated attention on movements, a panorama of cultural
realities emerges, which have been subject to constant change since the beginning of the industrial age. This is particularly
true of textile production, which is the unifying theme of the installations.

In her most recent work, Anette Rose shows non-human actors - weaver birds - spinning, weaving and knotting their nests.
From the three work complexes “Captured Motion”, “Pattern in Motion” and “Nest Building”, her exhibition TWIST reorganizes
expansive multi-channel installations that reveal a fascinating spectrum of textile processing.

Consistent parameters for the recordings support their comparability. “This strategy follows the practices of the empirical
sciences: it is precisely through the generalization in recording and representation that the deviant, the special, emerges
more clearly.”

- Ines Lindner -

Kategorien: Kunst, Kultur, Ausstellungen

Bezirk: Spandau


Zitadelle Spandau
ZAK - Zentrum für Aktuelle Kunst
Am Juliusturm 64
13599 Berlin


Fachbereich Kultur
Am Juliusturm 64
13599 Berlin

Nächste Termine

  • 12.07.2024 um 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
  • 13.07.2024 um 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
  • 13.07.2024 um 13:00 - 15:30 Uhr
  • 13.07.2024 um 15:30 - 17:00 Uhr
  • 14.07.2024 um 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Weitere Informationen


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