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Trade Fairs in Berlin

IFA 2019 (2)

Berliner Salon Fashion Week

Der Berliner Salon

Next date not yet announced

To kick off Berlin Fashion Week, the Berlin Salon presents sustainable labels.  more

ILA Berlin Air Show 2014

ILA Berlin

June 10 - 14, 2026

With its high-quality conference program and spectacular air shows, the ILA Berlin is a must for professionals of the aerospace industry and aviation fans.  more

Berliner Durchreise

Berliner Durchreise

Next date not yet known

At the fashion trade fair Berliner Durchreise, fashion labels and companies present their latest collections to specialist retailers.  more

Fashion Week - Kopf & Fuß

The Ground

Next date not yet announced

Since 2022, lifestyle meets fashion, music and diversity at The Ground.  more