Berlin in Pictures

Rave the Planet 2023 (8)

Rave the Planet 2023

In bright sunshine, the "Rave the Planet" technoparade took place for the second time in Berlin on 08 July 2023. The parade is considered the successor to the Love Parade and this year focused on the Straße des 17 Juni.  more

Eva Fàbregas (1)

Eva Fàbregas

Spanish artist Eva Fàbregas has transformed the historic hall of the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin into a landscape of amorphous sculptures.  more

Re:publica 2023 (11)

Re:publica 2023

The Re:publica 2023 fair took place at the beginning of June under the motto "Cash" in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg.  more

Wiedereröffnung des HKW (5)

Reopening of the HKW

After months of renovation, the federally owned Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) celebrated its reopening under its new director Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung on the first weekend of June 2023 with a festival lasting several days.  more

Karneval der Kulturen 2023 (10)

Carnival of Cultures 2023

In bright sunshine, Berlin celebrated the diversity of the city at the 25th edition of the Carnival of Cultures in Kreuzberg on the Whitsun weekend of 2023. Photos of the big parade, the street festival and the children's carnival.  more

Dürer für Berlin. Eine Spurensuche im Kupferstichkabinett (7)

Dürer for Berlin

In the exhibition "Dürer for Berlin - A Search for Traces in the Museum of Prints and Drawings", the Kupferstichkabinett presents around 130 works by the artist and thus provides a broad insight into his entire artistic oeuvre.  more

ESL One Berlin Dota Major (4)

ESL One Berlin Dota Major

At the e-sports tournament "ESL One Berlin Dota 2 Major", the best teams will compete against each other on the final weekend in May 2023 at the Berlin Velodrom.  more

Here an now! (1)

Here and now!

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the opening of the Marienfelde Refugee Center Museum, the artist couple Maria Vill and David Mannstein, together with young people currently living in the transitional home, designed facades with paste-ups for the exhibition "Here and Now!".  more

Notre-Dame de Paris (4)

Notre-Dame de Paris

The Institut Français presents "Notre-Dame de Paris - A Cathedral's World Tour", an interactive exhibition with exciting insights into the history of the world-famous cathedral and the current restoration work.  more

Gerhard Richter. 100 Werke für Berlin (4)

Gerhard Richter

With "Gerhard Richter. 100 Works for Berlin", the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin is showing for the first time 100 works by Gerhard Richter that have been transferred to the Nationalgalerie by the artist's foundation under a long-term loan agreement.  more

Die Möwe (1)

The Seagull

Photos of the rehearsal of "The Seagull" at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz. The play celebrates its premiere on 07 March.  more

Sonne. Die Quelle des Lichts in der Kunst (5)

The Sun: Source of Light in Art

The new exhibition "The Sun: Source of Light in Art" at the Museum Barberini brings together around 80 works from antiquity to the present.  more

Stars der Berlinale 2023 (2)

Stars of the Berlinale 2023

Kristen Stewart, Anne Hathaway, Peter Dinklage, Willem Dafoe, Matt Damon, Steven Spielberg, Helen Mirren and other celebrities will be guests at the Berlinale 2023 in Berlin.  more

ISTAF Indoor 2023 (6)

ISTAF Indoor 2023

The ISTAF Indoor took place in the Mercedes-Benz Arena on 10 February 2023 in front of 11,850 spectators.  more

Transmediale 2023 (2)

Transmediale 2023

Transmediale 2023 presents events throughout Berlin at the beginning of February under the motto "A model, a map, a fiction".  more

Sechstagerennen 2023 (15)

SixDay Berlin 2023

At the Berlin Six-Day Race 2023, numerous fans once again cheered on the athletes on the track of the Velodrom during the various competitions.  more

Käfig voller Narren (2)

La Cage aux folles

Impressions of the photo rehearsal of "La Cage Aux Folles" (The Cage of Madwomen) at the Komische Oper.  more

Grüne Woche 2023 (3)

International Green Week 2023

The Green Week, the world's largest trade fair for food, agriculture and horticulture, takes place again in January 2023 after a break due to the coronavirus.  more

Ein Mann fotografiert bei sonnigen Wetter das Brandenburger Tor

Attractions & Sights

Berlin’s top attractions, palaces and monuments with address, photos, public transport details and  more

Botanische Nacht

Events & Culture in Berlin

Highlights of the Berlin culture program including tips for the best concerts, exhibitions, trade fairs, seasonal events and specials.  more