Current language: English

Coronavirus concept: Staged plan for mandatory masks indoors


With Covid-19 infection numbers on the rise, the Berlin Senate plans to make masks mandatory in indoor spaces open to the public.

The state government wants a gradual model for the introduction of masks indoors, Senator for Health Ulrike Gote (Greens) announced on Wednesday. Thus, a mask requirement could first be introduced in certain publicly accessible indoor spaces; if the infection situation worsens, it could be extended to other spaces as well. Both would be measures before an "epidemic situation at the state level", i.e. a so-called hotspot, is declared.

Avert overburdening of the healthcare system

In a news release, Gote cited the top goals of averting healthcare overload, keeping schools, daycare centers and other care structures functioning and protecting those most vulnerable to health risks, and preventing Long Covid cases.

Weekly situation assessment to replace traffic light system

The so-called Coronavirus traffic light has not stood the test of time with the now prevailing Omicron variant, Gote further explained. Therefore, a weekly situation assessment is now being developed based on various characteristics. Among other things, the seven-day incidence and effluent monitoring will be considered, as well as the burden on the healthcare system, including the utilization of intensive care units and vaccination rates.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 12 October 2022
Last updated: 12 October 2022

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