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Berliners use booster vaccine with new Omicron vaccine


In Berlin, the first patients are taking advantage of the opportunity to receive a Coronavirus booster vaccination with the vaccine adapted to the Omicron variants BA.4/BA.5.

"The number of appointment bookings is increasing significantly at the moment," Andrea Ferber, head of the Johanniter vaccination center in the Ring-Center in Friedrichshain, told the German Press Agency (dpa) on Tuesday. Among those willing to be vaccinated are both younger people and older people over 60, Ferber said. For some of the patients it is the first booster, for others the second booster vaccination. According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Berlin (KVB), doctors' offices will also receive the vaccine starting Tuesday. The KVB has published an address list on the Internet. In a Kreuzberg vaccination center, the first of these vaccinations had already been administered on Monday.

Booster shot recommended for the elderly and patients at risk

All previous vaccines are also still available. However, the Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) advocates the preferred use of the vaccines adapted to theOOomicron variants for Covid-19 booster vaccinations. Since these are comparatively closely related, there are reportedly only minor differences between the two preparations. Four-dose vaccination is advised only for certain groups: People 60 years of age and older, high-risk patients such as immunocompromised individuals 12 years of age and older, nursing home residents, and health care workers. A six-month interval from the previous vaccination or infection usually applies.

Author: dpa
Publication date: 28 September 2022
Last updated: 28 September 2022

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