Current language: English

Tests at schools voluntary from next week

Coronatest an einer Schule

After Pentecost, compulsory testing at Berlin schools will be discontinued. Voluntary rapid tests will still be offered.

This was announced by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs on Wednesday. The compulsory test will cease on 7 June. At the same time, the 3G obligation for persons outside the school - such as parents at parents' meetings or talks - will also end. The basis is the comparatively relaxed Corona situation.

Voluntary testing at schools

Senator for Education Astrid-Sabine Busse announced: "Schools are a particularly sensitive place, and in the school public there are very different views on how to deal with the pandemic. Knowing this, we are making an offer with voluntary testing that provides additional security at schools." Accordingly, Berlin schools can offer voluntary testing two days a week. Upon request, students can receive an additional third test, which they can take before classes begin, for example.

Author: BerlinOnline/
Further information: Coronavirus measures
Publication date: 1 June 2022
Last updated: 1 June 2022

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