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The Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery: Corona virus information (Covid-19)
Information concerning Coronavirus vaccination. more
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Berlin pharmacies are expected to offer Coronavirus vaccinations starting next week.
This was announced by the spokesman of the Pharmacists Association, Stefan Schmidt, on Wednesday (Feb. 2, 2022). However, he does not yet have an exact date on which the campaign will start or an exact number of participating pharmacies. It is possible that the current high level of sick leave among employees due to the Omicron wave will prevent a rapid start of the vaccination campaign in some pharmacies. However, the legal framework is now clear.
A survey conducted by the Berlin Pharmacists Association in January showed that about half of the survey participants could imagine taking part in the vaccination campaign. 200 of the approximately 800 pharmacies had responded. Appropriate training courses have been offered for some time, but not all of Berlin's pharmacists have suitable rooms for vaccination. Schmidt emphasized that pharmacies did not want to discourage people from visiting their doctor or compete with doctors by offering vaccinations. Rather, the vaccinations constitute an additional offer for people who don't go to the doctor. This way, it may be possible to reach people who have not previously taken advantage of other vaccination services.
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Information concerning Coronavirus vaccination. more