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New high: Coronavirus incidence in Berlin at 1258


The incidence of Coronavirus in Berlin has risen again, reaching 1258.3 on Friday. Along with Bremen (1258,7), Berlin thus has the highest incidence of any state in Germany.

No data from Marzahn-Hellersdorf

Thev incidence was announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Friday morning. The previous day, the incidence value in Berlin was still at 1154.2. The incidence is currently at around 700. The number indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been proven to be infected with the Coronavirus in the past seven days. In the Mitte district, the Senate's situation report reported an incidence value of around 2200. Neukölln, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Spandau have incidences of just under 1600. The district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf had not transmitted any data for a few days due to technical problems and therefore still did not report any current figure.

10.678 new Covid cases

According to the RKI, 10,678 new Coronavirus cases were registered in the Berlin between Thursday and Friday. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 437,562 people have thus been proven to be infected with Covid-19. Four additional deaths were registered in connection with the virus, bringing the total number of people in Berlin who died from or with Covid-19 to 4077.

16,8 percent of intensive care beds occupied with Covid patients

Despite the high Coronavirus incidence, the situation in intensive care units remained under control. According to the Senate, 16.8 percent of intensive care beds in Berlin were occupied by Coronavirus patients. The percentage thus remains below the critical mark of 20 percent. Meanwhile, the hospitalization rate continued to rise and is currently at 14.7, remaining in the critical range. The figure indicates how many people out of 100,000 had to be hospitalized for a Coronavirus infection within a week.

Publication date: 1 September 2024
Last updated: 21 January 2022

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