Current language: English

Senate allows daycare centers to take individual Coronavirus measures


In the future, the approximately 2700 daycare centers in Berlin will be able to respond to an increase in Coronavirus infections among children and staff with individual measures.

Daycare centers can switch to "restricted regular operation"

Kindergartens may - if necessary - switch to "restricted regular operation". In this case, fixed groups might be formed or the opening hours might be reduced, but offered reliably. This is included in a regulation of the education administration which Berlin's Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey announced on Tuesday (January 18, 2022) after a Senate meeting.

52 daycare centers closed due to the pandemic

According to Giffey, it is not about a "one-fits-all solution", but rather about the possibility to react to an increase in Coronavirus infections due to the Omicron variant in a way that is adapted to the individual facilities. According to the latest data, operations in the vast majority of Berlin daycare centers have been running normally so far. 52 daycare centers were closed due to the Coronavirus.

Publication date: 1 September 2024
Last updated: 19 January 2022

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