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Over 900: Coronavirus incidence in Berlin continues to rise


Berlin remains the federal state with the second highest number of Coronavirus infections.

Incidence well above 900

In the past seven days, 949.8 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were registered, as the Berlin Health Administration announced on Friday (Jan. 14, 2022). A week ago, the incidence had been at 511.5. In a comparison of the federal states, only Bremen has a higher seven-day incidence than Berlin. Not included in the Berlin figures are data from Marzahn-Hellersdorf, as the district is currently unable to transmit data due to a technical malfunction.

Hospitalization rate also rising

Meanwhile, the number of Coronavirus patients admitted to hospitals is also rising significantly. For every 100,000 people in Berlin, 11.2 were recently hospitalized with Covid-19, compared to 3.8 a week ago. This means that two of the three traffic lights in the Senate's warning system are on red. In contrast, the occupancy of intensive care beds with Covid-19 patients rose only slightly in a weekly comparison. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 388,590 people have been infected with Coronavirus in Berlin - more than one in ten inhabitants of the city. A good three-quarters of Berliners have now been vaccinated against Covid-19 at least once, 73.2 percent are considered fully vaccinated.

Publication date: 2 July 2024
Last updated: 14 January 2022

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