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Senate makes further progress with administrative reform


Berlin's governing mayor has taken a step forward on the long road to administrative reform in the capital.

Today, the Senate discussed the bill "Task reorganization to strengthen city-wide management", as announced by the Senate Chancellery after the meeting. Wegner has declared the reform project a top priority. The aim is to make Berlin's administration more functional, to improve cooperation between the various administrative levels and also to improve city-wide management.

Reorganizing responsibilities and distribution of tasks

In Wegner's view, it is particularly important to review and reorganize responsibilities and the distribution of tasks between districts and the state of Berlin. The process of reorganizing tasks has been started with the Senate bill. "We are tackling the reform of Berlin's administration together - with all Senate administrations, the districts and the House of Representatives," Wegner said.

New state organization law by the end of the year

"We are on the right track and have taken another important step today after the closed meetings with the district mayors, workshops, discussions with the urban community and top political meetings." The common goal remains to pass the draft for a new state organization law in the Senate by the end of the year.

Uniform catalog of responsibilities with administrative tasks

In a further step, the tasks of the main administration and the districts are now to be surveyed and transferred to a uniform catalog of responsibilities, according to the Senate Chancellery. "The process of identifying tasks is taking place in parallel in all Senate administrations and should be completed by the end of the third quarter." A task review is then planned in order to identify problems with competencies and responsibilities and draw conclusions from this. According to the information provided, this will begin this year and the corresponding recommendations for action will then be implemented from the first quarter of 2025.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 3 July 2024
Last updated: 3 July 2024

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