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Financial compensation for teachers without chance of tenure

Eine Lehrerin schreibt an die Tafel

Berlin teachers for whom tenure is not possible will receive a compensation payment with their September salary for the first time.

Depending on the salary group, it amounts to 250 to 300 euros gross per month and will be paid retroactively to February 2023, the Senate Department for Education announced on Monday. After that, the additional money will be paid permanently every month. The compensation payment is intended to make up for disadvantages compared to civil servant teachers.

Compensation also for teachers who do not want to be civil servants

According to the information provided, teachers who cannot become civil servants for health reasons are also entitled to the money. The sum will be paid to this group as soon as possible after individual consultation, it said. Teachers who do not want to be civil servants but wish to receive the compensation payment must deliver a statement between September 18 and 30. If all requirements are met, the money is to be paid during the first half of 2024, retroactive to the date on which the declaration was submitted.

Age limit for civil service raised

In the fight against the shortage of skilled workers, Berlin reintroduced tenure for teachers last school year. The way to this was opened not only to newly trained teachers, but also to around 16,000 teachers who are already in service. The age limit for civil servants was temporarily raised from 45 to 52. According to the education administration, around 9500 so-called existing teachers have so far made use of this option and applied for tenure.

Senator for Education promotes tenure

Senator for Education Katharina Günther-Wünsch (CDU) encouraged teachers who have not yet applied for civil servant status to reconsider and to take advantage of advisory and information services. "A little advertising for tenure is allowed: The civil servant status means, for example, receiving a higher net amount from the gross salary than tariff employees, appointment for life and pension instead of statutory pension," she explained.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 5 September 2023
Last updated: 5 September 2023

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