Current language: English

Number of non-swimmers among children slightly decreased


The non-swimming rate among Berlin's primary school pupils has improved somewhat this year, according to Education Senator Katharina Günther-Wünsch.

As things stand, about 24 per cent of third-graders cannot swim, the CDU politician said on Tuesday during a visit to the Kombibad Gropiusstadt. A year ago, the rate was 37 per cent - according to the senator, mainly because during the Corona pandemic, neither school swimming nor swimming courses were held for the children for long periods of time.

"Every child should learn to swim"

Günther-Wünsch expressed dissatisfaction despite the progress. "It is still absolutely unsatisfactory when almost every fourth child has not learned to swim by the end of third grade." Because: "Every child should learn to swim - that is vital for survival." The first goal must be to reduce the rate of non-swimmers to the level before the pandemic - about 16 per cent. Of course, zero per cent would be better.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 15 August 2023
Last updated: 15 August 2023

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