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Entrances and exits of other outdoor pools monitored by camera


A boy jumps into the water in an outdoor pool.

Video surveillance at the entrances and exits of Berlin's outdoor pools is being expanded. After the Columbiabad in Neukölln, where the cameras have been in operation since last Friday, the Pankow, Am Insulaner and Kreuzberg pools will now follow from Thursday.

This was announced by the Berliner Bäder-Betriebe (BBB) on Wednesday. "We want to contribute with the expansion of video surveillance to further improve the security situation in these large summer pools," explained BBB executive Marie Rupprecht. As in Neukölln applies according to BBB also in the three other outdoor pools: The cameras do not film changing rooms or sunbathing areas, but only entrances and exits. The recordings are automatically deleted after a period of 72 hours, unless investigating authorities request them beforehand.

Compulsory identification for all outdoor pools and lidos since mid-July

Violence, scuffles and unruly bathers led to police operations at several Berlin outdoor pools in early July. Video surveillance at some pools is one consequence of the incidents. Another consequence is a compulsory ID card for all open-air pools and lidos, which has been in force since July 15. From the point of view of the bathing companies, it should help to issue and control house bans. Among other things, the police responded with mobile guards at the pools.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 10 August 2023
Last updated: 10 August 2023

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