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Topping-out ceremony: New flats for refugees in Spandau

Richtfest für Wohnraum für Geflüchtete

Christian Gaebler (SPD), Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing, arrives for the topping-out ceremony of the new housing.

New housing for refugees is being built in Spandau.

On Wednesday, the municipal housing company WBM celebrated the topping-out ceremony for 128 flats on Askanierring. According to the company, the project will create one- to five-room flats ranging in size from 35 to 100 square metres. Of these, 65 will be barrier-free. Refugees are to move in from 2024. "Afterwards" - as it said - the flats will be available to the "general housing market".

Neighbourhood meeting place in new residential area

According to WBM, the new residential area in Spandau also includes a neighbourhood meeting place. It will be open to all residents, but also to local residents, for possible joint activities. The eastern section of the site is home to the listed former military barracks Alexander Barracks, which has been used as an initial reception facility for refugees by the state of Berlin since 2020. "The state and the districts are facing great challenges in accommodating those seeking protection," said Building Senator Christian Gaebler (SPD) on Wednesday about the project. This makes this WBM construction project, which will initially provide accommodation for more than 500 refugees, all the more important.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 27 July 2023
Last updated: 27 July 2023

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