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Planning for housing project in Berlin-Buch one step further

Bausenator Christian Gaebler (SPD)

Senator Christian Gaebler (SPD)

Planning for a major housing project in Berlin-Buch is progressing.

On Tuesday, the Senate adopted a so-called framework plan for the building project Neues Stadtquartier Buch - Am Sandhaus, Senator Christian Gaebler (SPD) announced. According to Gaebler, up to 2,700 apartments are to be built on the site. Exactly how many there will be is to be clarified in the development plan procedure that will now follow.

Construction expected to start at the end of 2024

According to Gaebler, construction work could start at the end of 2024 and the first apartments could be ready in 2026. By the end of the decade, the new district could be complete. In total, the area near the Buch S-Bahn station covers 193 hectares, of which 21 hectares are to be built on. According to Gaebler, apartments will also be built on the site of a former GDR State Security hospital: contrary to initial plans, the buildings will not be demolished, but converted.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 13 June 2023
Last updated: 13 June 2023

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