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26,000 election volunteers applied: preparations for election rerun underway


Numerous people have signed up as helpers for the repeat election of the House of Representatives. State Election Commissioner Stephan Bröchler said that 26,000 people had currently applied. One of the twelve districts had already indicated that enough election workers had already signed up.

The tax-free 240 euros certainly contributed to this, said Bröchler. Previously, there had been an allowance of 60 euros. Spranger said that civil servants and employees of the state should even receive up to three days off as compensation for their work as election workers.

Lessons learned from the 2021 election

In 2021, the Senate had promised election workers early Corona vaccinations. As a result, helpers had registered and been vaccinated - but "a not inconsiderable proportion" had cancelled their helpers' deployment again shortly before the election, said Bröchler. Therefore, this time the increased payment will be paid only after the polling stations have closed.

Up to 43,000 election helpers planned

Up to 43,000 election workers are to be employed. That would be significantly more than in the mishap election in September 2021, although this time only the House of Representatives and the district councils are to be elected and not additionally the Bundestag.

More voting booths, ballots, laptops and cell phones

Bröchler announced that there would be more voting booths in the polling stations, more laptops, cell phones and significantly more printed ballots than voters were actually expected for. Ballots will be transported earlier, boxes are better inspected and documented, there are contacts with the fire department in case of emergencies, and they are also prepared for water damage. In many citizens' offices, state employees are already so busy with preparations that normal tasks can no longer be processed, Senator of the Interior Iris Spranger (SPD) said.

Elections should "once again become a celebration of democracy"

Bröchler called the organization of the repeat election for the House of Representatives on February 12 a "Herculean task." The period of 90 days for preparation is "very short", otherwise one has a year for it. The task now is to ensure that the repeat election runs smoothly and that elections "once again become a celebration of democracy." Berlin's reputation is also at stake, Spranger said. Berlin's Constitutional Court had ruled that the election for the House of Representatives had to be completely repeated due to many glitches.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 21 November 2022
Last updated: 21 November 2022

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