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Berlin gets a state electoral office

Stephan Bröchler und Iris Spranger

Stephan Bröchler (l), new State Election Commissioner, and Iris Spranger (SPD), Berlin Senator for the Interior, Sports and Digitalisation

Berlin is to get a state election office. This was announced by Interior Senator Iris Spranger on Tuesday after the Senate meeting.

The Senate is thus drawing a conclusion from the mishaps in the elections to the House of Representatives and the Bundestag in September 2021. The state election office is to be located at the Interior Administration and the previous office of the state election administration is to be merged into it.

Seven positions planned at the state office

Spranger advocated equipping the state office with a total of seven positions in the sectors IT, statistics, legal issues and public relations. According to the senator, the state office should take on central tasks in the preparation of elections, for example in the training of election workers or the procurement of ballots. In addition, the district election offices should also be strengthened.

Stephan Bröchler appointed as state election officer

Stephan Bröchler, an management scientist, will become the new state election administrator in Berlin on October 1. This was decided by the Senate at its meeting on Tuesday, according to information from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur. The professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) was already a member of the expert commission Elections in Berlin.

Author: dpa/BerlinOnline/
Publication date: 6 September 2022
Last updated: 7 September 2022

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