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Free parking for night shift workers to become easier

Städte verdienen mit Parkplätzen Millionensumme

In the future, employees working night shifts and rotating shifts will be able to park their car for free more easily with a special permit.

Exceptions to the parking ticket requirement are to be recognized for working hours up to and including 6:00 am. In addition, employees will in future be able to have frequent unplanned changes in working hours during the night certified by their department. This is provided for in a guideline that the Senate has drawn up with the Mitte district.

Initial guideline valid for one year

Among others, employees of hospitals, police, fire departments and public order offices in particular will benefit from these new recommendations. The guideline is now to be coordinated with the other districts and will initially apply for one year, after which it will be adapted as needed.

Senator Jarasch asks authorities to contribute to more sustainable traffic

"People who have to work inconvenient hours should not be put under additional strain," Berlin's Senator for the Interior Iris Spranger (SPD) emphasized on Saturday.m Senator for Urban Mobility Bettina Jarasch (Green Party) added that authorities, institutions and companies must also make their contribution in the shift towards more sustaineable trafficv - for example, through parking spaces on company premises, company-subsidized tickets for local public transport, rental stations for cars, bicycles and scooters, and secure bicycle racks.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 29 August 2022
Last updated: 29 August 2022

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