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Berlin to receive additional MPX vaccine


Berlin is to receive additional doses of monkeypox vaccine from the federal government this week.

The Senate Department for Science, Health, Care and Equality said on Monday that the capital should probably receive about 1900 additional vaccine doses. "In addition, we will enquire with the federal states to see whether we can obtain vaccine doses from them," it continued. Previously, the "Tagesspiegel" had reported on this. So far, Berlin, which has a particularly high number of reported cases compared to the rest of Germany, has received about 9500 doses of the vaccine.

High vaccination readiness in Berlin

In recent weeks, there have been calls from many sides for more vaccine for Berlin - the willingness to vaccinate is high, but the vaccine available so far is not sufficient, they said. Vaccination monitoring for the capital is currently underway, but because not all immunisation centres have reported figures, the figures of around 4,500 vaccinations available so far are not yet complete.

Vaccination recommended for certain risk groups

Vaccination against monkeypox (MPX) is recommended by the Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) for certain risk groups and people who have had close contact with infected persons. It displays an increased risk of infection in particular for men who have same-sex sexual contacts with changing partners.

No severe cases in Berlin so far

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the disease is mild in most people and usually heals on its own, but severe cases are possible. The Senate Department is not aware of any severe cases of the virus in Berlin so far, it said. The federal government had announced a second batch of the vaccine for the third quarter, but the exact delivery date is still open. According to the current state of knowledge of the health administration, Berlin will then receive about one third of the vaccine.

Downward trend of infection figures

With regard to the number of cases in the capital, a general downward trend can be observed, the Senate Administration wrote. This is probably not yet due to vaccinations, "it would be too early for that". Rather, a change in people's behaviour as a result of public attention to the topic plays an important role.

Author: dpa/
Further information: Q&A about Monkepox (MPX)
Publication date: 8 August 2022
Last updated: 8 August 2022

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