Current language: English

Official heat warning until Wednesday evening


An official heat warning from the German Weather Service is in effect in almost all of Germany until Wednesday evening. Temperatures of almost 40 degrees are expected in Berlin and Brandenburg.

The heat warning was issued by the weather service at noon on Tuesday. Elderly people and those in need of care in particular are expected to be severely affected by the heat.

Little cooling in the densely built-up urban area

In urban areas such as the capital, night-time temperatures are not expected to fall below 20 degrees, according to the weather service. The lack of night-time cooling will cause additional stress, especially in densely built-up urban areas.

Avoid direct sunlight

During a heat wave, some basic rules should be followed. Basically, the DWD recommends avoiding direct sunlight and not going outside during the hottest part of the day. Furthermore, the home should be kept as cool as possible. Finally, make sure you drink enough fluids and take in enough electrolytes. Anyone suffering from circulatory problems, headaches or vomiting should contact a doctor.

Author: BerlinOnline/dpa
Weather for Berlin: Forecast
Publication date: 19 July 2022
Last updated: 19 July 2022

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