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Parking on bike and bus lanes: 1.6 million euros in fines

Falschparker auf einem Fahrradweg

Over the past 14 months, Berlin motorists have had to pay more than 1.6 million euros for illegal parking and stopping on cycle paths, bus lanes and pavements alone. Exactly 51,392 of these administrative offences were recorded by the police fine office from March 2021 to the beginning of May this year.

This was the Senate's answer to a Green Party question. According to this, 1,652,875.23 euros were collected in warnings and fines. In the course of the past three years, Berlin drivers either complied more with the stopping and parking bans on cycle paths and bus lanes - or only a smaller proportion of parking violators were fined. The number of fines for these violations dropped significantly.

In 2019, around 29,000 penalty notices were sent out for parking in bus lanes. In 2020, it was just under 20,800 and last year just under 18,300. For cycle lanes, it went down from around 18,000 (2019) to just under 12,000 (2021) - and for so-called cycle protection lanes on the roads from 29,500 to around 16,500.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 26 May 2022
Last updated: 26 May 2022

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