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Senate wants to boost construction of new refugee shelters

Wohncontainer auf dem Tempelhofer Feld

The Berlin Senate wants to speed up the construction of new refugee accommodation.

The Senate Departments for the Environment, Urban Development, Integration and Finance are to prepare a corresponding Senate bill by June, said Berlin's Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) on Tuesday after the Senate meeting. In addition to the current status of the acquisition of accommodation, it should also be clarified where new facilities for refugees from Ukraine could be built.

Modular shelters could be reactivated

In addition, existing so-called modular shelters, such as the one at Columbiadamm in Tempelhof, could be reactivated. There, Giffey said, there had been problems with the water pipes. The facility could now be used again in the near future.

Around 2000 people arrive daily from Ukraine

In the meantime, about 2,000 people arrive in Berlin every day from Ukraine. Around 55,000 have applied for a residence permit so far. After their arrival, many of them were temporarily accommodated by Berliners. Now the question of how to continue after private accommodation must be clarified. "Everyone can only take in people at home for a certain time," said Giffey.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 18 May 2022
Last updated: 18 May 2022

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