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Senator: Showing of Russian "Z" war symbol punishable by law

Iris Spranger

Iris Spranger (SPD), Innensenatorin in Berlin, spricht.

Anyone who publicly uses the "Z" mark of the Russian armed forces in the Ukraine war in Berlin will be prosecuted.

Berlin's Senator for the Interior Iris Spranger told this to the newspaper Tagesspiegel (Monday, March 28, 2022). "If a context to the war is established with the use of the white Z's, which are seen on Russian military vehicles, then of course that means the endorsement of the war of aggression," the SPD politician said. "That would be punishable by law, and we will intervene immediately."

"Z" symbol banned in several German states

On Friday (March 25, 2022), Lower Saxony and Bavaria had announced criminal consequences for the use of the symbol. The SPD parliamentary group in the Stuttgart state parliament, the interior policy spokesman of the SPD state parliamentary group in Saxony-Anhalt, and the CDU, FDP and SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia have also spoken out in favor of banning the "Z" symbol.

Up to three years imprisonment or fine

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a white "Z" can often be seen on Russian tanks and uniforms. The Latin letter is a symbol used by supporters of the war and stands for "Za Pobedu" - "For Victory." It is also displayed outside the war zone on buildings, cars and clothing, as well as on social media. Senator Spranger said cited section 140 of the criminal code, which criminalizes condoning certain offenses, as the legal basis for the ban. Up to three years in prison or a fine are possible.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 28 March 2022
Last updated: 28 March 2022

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