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Storm: low impact on public transport, restrictions on long-distance traffic


Eine lange Schlange hat sich vor dem Reisezentrum der Deutschen Bahn im Hauptbahnhof Berlin gebildet.

The impact of storm "Ylenia" on Berlin's subway, tram and bus network was "smaller than expected".

Rerouting of bus lines

This was announced by a spokesman for the Berlin transport company BVG on Thursday morning (February 17, 2022). Due to fallen trees and large branches or objects on the road, the bus lines M41, M45, 154, 259, 398 and the night bus lines N20 and N24 had to be rerouted.

Trams and subways run slower

There were only a few isolated disruptions to the tram network. However, as a precautionary measure, the streetcars and subways on the outer routes are running slower than usual. During the night, there were short delays on the night bus lines. Overall, however, the situation is very calm, said the spokesman.

Aircraft handling at BER interrupted

At Airport Berlin-Brandenburg BER, on the other hand, the so-called aircraft handling was interrupted on Thursday morning. Due to strong gusts of wind, no aircraft could be loaded or unloaded and initially no passengers could board the aircraft, a BER spokesperson said. However, planes that have already been handled can still take off and landings are also still taking place. Details on the number of canceled flights initially remained unclear.

Long-distance traffic restricted in large parts of Germany

Long-distance rail travelers have to prepare for significant restrictions. In large parts of Germany, operations are severely restricted, a Deutsche Bahn spokesman said Thursday morning. "In the northern half of the country, no long-distance trains are running until midday." This affects the federal states Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Berlin, and Brandenburg.

«Zeynep» follows «Ylenia»

Starting Thursday afternoon, sccording to the German Weather Service, the wind from low pressure area "Ylenia" will slowly decrease. The break, however, should only be short: the next hurricane "Zeynep" is expected to arrive from the British Isles as early as Friday afternoon.

Author: dpa/
Further information: Public Transportation in Berlin
Publication date: 17 February 2022
Last updated: 17 February 2022

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