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More spectators allowed at major events in Berlin

ISTAF Indoor 2022 (3)

Starting next Saturday, more spectators will be allowed at major events in Berlin.

Up to 10,000 spectators allowed at outdoor events

The Senate voted on Tuesday (Feb. 08, 2022) to increase the cap, which was put in place because of the pandemic, from 3000 to 10,000. For events with over 2000 participants, organizers are allowed to utilize the venue to a maximum of 50 percent of its capacity, as Senator for Health Ulrike Gote announced. For large indoor events, an upper limit of 4,000 spectators will apply in the future instead of the previous 2,000.

2G-plus-test-rule and mandatory FFP2 masks

In all these cases, masks are compulsory and the 2G-plus-test rule applies, meaning that only vaccinated and recovered people with a negative test are admitted. An exception is made for people who have received a booster vaccination, are freshly vaccinated or have recently recovered - they do not need a test. With the decision, which is important not least for the Bundesliga soccer clubs Hertha BSC and Union, the Senate is implementing a nationwide agreement reached the previous week by the heads of the state and the senate chancelleries. According to the agreement, the FC Union will be allowed to let in 10,000 fans at its home game against Dortmund on Sunday. Hertha plays an away game at Greuther Fürth on Saturday.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 8 February 2022
Last updated: 8 February 2022

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