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Traces of National Socialism in Berlin

"Der Warschauer Aufstand 1944" in der Topographie des Terrors

Berlin during the Nazi era: Central memorials and museums

Topographie des Terrors (4)

Topography of Terror

This center for the documentation of Nazi crimes attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.  more

Gedenkstätte Plötzensee (1)

Plötzensee Memorial

The Plötzensee Memorial commemorates the victims of the unjust sentences of the National Socialist judiciary and is a European place of quiet remembrance.  more

Gedenkstätte Stille Helden (1)

Silent Heroes Memorial Center

The Silent Heroes Memorial in Stauffenbergstraße commemorates those people who helped, saved and supported Jews during the Nazi regime.  more

Gedenken am Mahnmal Gleis 17

Platform 17 Memorial

The Platform 17 Memorial at Grunewald Station commemorates the thousands of Jews who were deported from Berlin on Deutsche Reichsbahn trains from this platform.  more

Gedenkstätte Köpenicker Blutwoche Juni 1933

Memorial of Köpenick Week of Blood June 1933

During the Köpenick Week of Blood in June 1933, around 500 people were abducted and tortured by the SA. The memorial is part of the historical reappraisal of this chapter.  more

Dokumentationszentrum für NS-Zwangsarbeit

Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit

Schöneweide is home to the last largely preserved Nazi forced labour camp in Berlin, one of more than 3,000 that once existed in the city.  more

Sowjetisches Ehrenmal Treptow

Soviet War Memorial

The Soviet Memorial in Treptower Park is the largest monument to the fallen soldiers of the Red Army in Germany.  more

Guides Tours

Everyday life forced labour 1938-1945

The exhibition documents the history of forced labor during National Socialism as an omnipresent mass phenomenon. more

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp - Private Berlin Tour

Explore the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial with a specially trained und licensed guide. more

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Berlin nach dem Krieg

Berlin after 1945

The Berlin garrison capitulates on May 2, six days before the end of the Second World War in Europe. Large parts of the city are in ruins.  more