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Barbara Kruger: Bitte lachen / Please cry

Conceptual artist Barbara Kruger creates an imposing installation at the Neue Nationalgalerie that covers the entire floor of the huge exhibition space with references to political disputes on internet forums.

The US conceptual artist Barbara Kruger (born 1945) is world-famous for her large-format posters and written installations, with which she questions common social stereotypes from a feminist and consumer-critical perspective. As a homage to Mies van der Rohe and his famous building in Berlin, the essential parts of the architecture remain untouched by Kruger's artistic intervention, which is hardly recognisable to visitors from a distance and can only be experienced by entering the building. Through the chosen text in the form of several critical statements, the artist addresses political and social issues that invite public discourse.

«Bitte lachen / Please cry» is Barbara Kruger's first institutional solo exhibition in Berlin and throughout Germany in over 10 years.

Barbara Kruger: «Bitte lachen / Please cry» (2)

Photos: Bitte lachen / Please cry

A sentence from George Orwell's book "1984" can be seen as part of a type installation in the Neue Nationalgalerie as part of the exhibition "Bitte lachen / Please cry" by the US conceptual artist Barbara Kruger.  more

At a Glance

Barbara Kruger: Bitte lachen / Please cry
Neue Nationalgalerie
29 April 2022
28 August 2022

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Potsdamer Str. 50
10785 Berlin

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Last edited: 30 August 2022