Current language: English

Long Night of Religions

  • Lange Nacht der Religionen

    Numerous people visit Berlin Cathedral as part of the Long Night of Religions.

  • Lange Nacht der Religionen

    Members of the Berlin Candomblé community open the Long Night of Religions with a dance and purification ritual in front of the French Cathedral at Gendarmenmarkt (Archive)

For the 13th time, almost one hundred churches, religious communities and interreligious associations invite visitors to the Long Night of Religions in Berlin.

The event is intended to act as a sign of religious diversity. Around 100 churches, religious communities and interreligious associations open their doors and invite people to come together and sing, pray, discuss or ask questions. There will be church tours, readings, lectures and discussion groups. The motto for 2024 is Gleichgewicht (Balance). Around 10,000 people are expected to attend the Long Night of Religions in Berlin.

At a Glance

Long Night of Religions 2024
Various locations in Berlin and online
7 September 2024
8 September 2024
Admission Fee
Program (in German)

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Last edited: 19 July 2024